Welcome back to a brand-new season of The Suburban Women Problem! On today’s episode, Rachel Vindman, Jasmine Clark, and Amanda Weinstein catch up about their holidays and the news (Covid, Ukraine, and GA Governor Kemp’s recent “Hail Mary” speech). They also start a conversation about the recent rise in book-banning, a conversation we're going to keep having all year... or at least until the right wing stops trying to ban knowledge.
The hosts are joined by writer and Wisconsin mom Tasslyn Magnusson, who has been attending school board meetings and compiling data on book bans across the country. Tasslyn gives some great advice about how you don’t need to yell or recite talking points in a school board meeting; you just need to speak up on behalf of teachers, students, and books.
Then the one and only Soledad O’Brien joins Rachel to discuss her new HBO series, “Black and Missing,” along with what she thinks the media tends to get wrong. Soledad and Rachel chat about the importance of framing when telling a story… who’s doing the framing? And why? They also find time to discuss Soledad’s hopes for 2022, how she tweets at the cast of "Criminal Minds," and what she’s learned about life and parenthood through horseback riding
Finally, our hosts raise a glass to victories in Georgia sports and Ohio politics, along with celebrating new opportunities for growth and conversations in this episode’s “Toast to Joy.”
Next week, Red Wine and Blue will be launching something big to fight against book bans. Be sure to follow us on Twitter at @Redwineblueusa to learn all about it!
For a transcript of this episode, please email theswppod@redwine.blue.
For a transcript of this episode, please email theswppod@redwine.blue.
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