Disinformation and conspiracy theories cloud Helene recovery efforts in hard-hit areas
The SWP Take: We agree with the Red Cross when they said in a public plea that, “Sharing rumors online without first vetting the source and verifying facts ultimately hurts people — people who have just lost their homes, neighborhoods, and, in some cases, loved ones.”
We can’t let America’s fractured politics get in the way of recovery efforts.
'Trump Bible' one of few that meet Walters' criteria for Oklahoma classrooms
The SWP Take: A former president of the United States could start making money off of selling Bibles in public schools. You can’t make this stuff up. Sometimes reality is more bizarre than fiction. Please, America — vote on November 5th to stop this nonsense.
Pro-Trump Christian nationalists are on tour to recruit election workers
The SWP Take: We can’t get distracted while Christian nationalists are at work, fulfilling their prophecies and promises, all while using God as an excuse for their dangerous agenda. The future of American democracy is at risk and it’s going to take all of us to keep it intact.