We know from both statistics and personal stories that representation matters. Whether it’s people of color, LGBTQ folks, or young women running for office, it’s crucial to our democracy that everyone’s voice is heard. And fighting for our values doesn’t mean we don’t "go high when they go low," it means we fight disinformation and fear with facts and love. One place you can fight disinformation is around the myth that people often regret transitioning; this week we referenced the largest study of trans people to date, which showed that 94% of people were more satisfied with their life.
This week, Amanda got the chance to sit down with Congresswoman Sara Jacobs. At 35, she’s the youngest member of Democratic House leadership, and she’s bringing a perspective that some of her older male colleagues might not think about: the importance of childcare, the privacy of our reproductive data, how to bridge generations, and more.
Finally, Jasmine, Rachel and Amanda raise a glass to the Super Bowl halftime show, Girl Scouts, and to celebrating happy milestones in this episode’s “Toast to Joy.”
We invite you to join us this Thursday for a virtual Ask Me Anything event about the facts and myths on trans sports policies. We’ll be joined by Anya Marino of the National Women's Law Center. You can learn more and RSVP here.
And don’t forget to sign up for our Substack newsletter! It’s free and we’d love to hear from you in the comments.
For a transcript of this episode, please email theswppod@redwine.blue.
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