On today’s episode, hosts Rachel Vindman, Jasmine Clark, and Amanda Weinstein talk about anger. They discuss the injustices in the world and in their personal lives that make them angry, and how women often aren’t allowed to express anger. And Jasmine reminds us that as a Black woman, she’s given even less space to show her anger because she’ll be stereotyped as an “angry Black woman.” Then they all discuss how to channel our anger into meaningful change.
They speak with Adrienne Martini, who wrote a book called “Somebody’s Gotta Do It: Why Cursing at the News Won't Save the Nation, But Your Name on a Local Ballot Can.” Adrienne explains how her anger over the 2016 election pushed her to run for local office in her conservative district… and win!
Then Rachel sits down with Amy Siskind, the activist and author who organized the We The People March and created The Weekly List, a catalogue of all the authoritarian and “not normal” things that happened under the Trump administration. Amy chats with Rachel about how her anger over sexism, particularly the treatment of Hillary Clinton, propelled her into activism.
Finally, our hosts raise a glass to supportive friends and Opal Lee’s role in getting Juneteenth designated as a national holiday in this week’s “Toast to Joy."
Suburban women helped decide the 2020 election. But we’re just getting started. Are you ready to be part of The Suburban Women Problem? Sign up here to join our amazing community of women.
For a transcript of this episode, please email theswppod@redwine.blue.
For a transcript of this episode, please email theswppod@redwine.blue.
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