Relational organizing was all the rage at the DNC. Everyone from Kerry Washington to Hillary Clinton to President Obama highlighted how talking to our friends and neighbors is the single most effective thing we can do in this (and every) election cycle.
If you’ve been a part of the Red Wine & Blue community for a while, you’ve probably heard us say the words “relational organizing” a hundred times. But don’t zone out! It’s more than a catchphrase - it truly is the way we win elections.
And even better, you don’t have to start from scratch. Or as Jasmine said, “you don’t have to build the plane. Just get in and fly with us.”
Red Wine & Blue holds weekly Troublemaker Trainings where you can learn how to have those conversations, and we have a really cool website called Rally where you can keep track of who you’ve talked to. As we get closer to the election, we’ll be holding more and more virtual events where you can learn alongside celebrities like, say, the cast of the West Wing. (RSVP here!)
Our podcast hosts’ enthusiasm here isn’t manufactured, they really love the tools and community we’ve built. And seriously, you will too.
If folks in your life don’t agree with you about the presidential ticket, they might be open to hearing your thoughts about your local senator, state legislator, or school board candidate. And even if you come away from the conversation feeling disappointed, what you said may have a bigger impact than you thought. Often people feel like they can’t back down in the moment, but they’ll think about what you said later on. It all makes a difference.
So let’s talk our way into a blue wave in November!
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