Yep, being a Mom and a Grandma is wonderful. Nothing compares because little people are wonderful wonders. I worked full time as my son grew up. Then I “retired! To take care of my twin grandsons while Mama went to college. I was 53 and they were 6 months old. What a hoot they were! My job was to be grandma. Housecleaning was on the weekends.
The key to all this is that I chose to spend my days kneeling-deep in child care. Stay-at-home Mom’s can still be feminists. Help my grandson’s grow into wonderful men is just one of my best career choices. They are 18 now and we are very close. It is my honor to have the title of Grandma.
I’m wondering if men are jealous that typically it’s the woman who stays home to raise kids. The is just a response to the fact that women aren’t paid as much.
Daycare (or the lack thereof) it a critical part of raising children whether both are in school or they are working. Even “after hour” programs would help with busy lives. You only get one childhood per child.
Now as I am older, they’ll be my chauffeur. When they were little one was going to grow up and live in San Diego and the other in San Francisco. Orion wanted to know if I like dogs. I said sure. Why? Well, grandma you’d have to live with me and my dog.
I asked the other Grandson if I could live with him part of the year. Hmm, grandma, you can come and visit. Ok?
Yep, being a Mom and a Grandma is wonderful. Nothing compares because little people are wonderful wonders. I worked full time as my son grew up. Then I “retired! To take care of my twin grandsons while Mama went to college. I was 53 and they were 6 months old. What a hoot they were! My job was to be grandma. Housecleaning was on the weekends.
The key to all this is that I chose to spend my days kneeling-deep in child care. Stay-at-home Mom’s can still be feminists. Help my grandson’s grow into wonderful men is just one of my best career choices. They are 18 now and we are very close. It is my honor to have the title of Grandma.
I’m wondering if men are jealous that typically it’s the woman who stays home to raise kids. The is just a response to the fact that women aren’t paid as much.
Daycare (or the lack thereof) it a critical part of raising children whether both are in school or they are working. Even “after hour” programs would help with busy lives. You only get one childhood per child.
Now as I am older, they’ll be my chauffeur. When they were little one was going to grow up and live in San Diego and the other in San Francisco. Orion wanted to know if I like dogs. I said sure. Why? Well, grandma you’d have to live with me and my dog.
I asked the other Grandson if I could live with him part of the year. Hmm, grandma, you can come and visit. Ok?
Guess, I’ll be living in San Diego. LOL